Arya Wibowo Jati is a current information systemundergraduate student at Universitas Brawijaya, where he's deeply engaged in expanding his knowledge and skills. As a participant in Bangkit Academy 2024 H1, he's embarked on an exciting learning journey, specializing in Cloud Computing. Arya is deeply passionate about technology and possesses a keen curiosity that drives him to continuously explore and embrace new concepts. His interests span across various domains, including software engineering, cloud computing, and web development. With a strong dedication to learning and a proactive approach to staying updated with the latest trends and advancements, Arya is determined to make meaningful contributions in the tech industry.
Database Administration Laboratory Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Aug 2023 - Present
- Guided and instructed a practicum class of 40 students, fostering their practical skills and knowledge.
- Thoroughly evaluated and explained the modules provided to students, ensuring their effective understanding and application.
- Provided comprehensive assessments of practical assignments and reports submitted by students, offering constructive feedback to enhance their learning experience.
Mahasiswa Membangun 1000 Desa (MMD-1000D UB)
Staff of Event
June – Aug 2023
- Researched, designed, and developed website for Library Community of Karangturi Village to empowering the community to effectively publish and share information with the public.
- Actively volunteered and contributed to the local village social community on a regular basis.
Staff Internship Keluarga Besar Mahasiswa Sistem Informasi
Staff of Event; Mentor
Sept – Dec 2022
- Helped and contributed to designing and making concepts for the Staff Internship Event.
- Mentored, instructed, and facilitated interns of legislative organizations to gain comprehensive understanding of legislative process and developing their communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.
Todoo App
Todoo App is an app about managing your daily tasks, you can set priorities and deadlines for each task. You can also have a collaborative group so you as a member of the group will be assigned task by the admins This app is built as a final project for Web Programming class. I led and coordinated the team in researching, designing, and implementing a user-friendly During the project, I deepened my knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP, Laravel, and relational databases (MySQL) and expertise in collaboration using Git with GitLab in the process. The project received a score of 95 out of 100, fulfilling all 3 out of 3 requirements set by the lecturer.
Tech Stacks used: JavaScript - PHP - Laravel - Bootstrap 5 - MySQL
Bookshelf API
Bookshelf API is a RESTful service developed using Node.js and @hapi, designed to empower users in managing their book collections. Throughout its development, I honed essential skills in creating, reading, updating, and deleting data through designed endpoints. This project emerged from the Dicoding Learning to Create Back-End Applications for Beginners course, where I not only delved into the intricacies of Node.js but also gained proficiency in applying ESLint style and testing API Endpoints with Postman. Notably, the API excelled in meeting all main and optional requirements, earning a perfect score of 5 out of 5.
Tech Stacks used: JavaScript - Node.js
Lib-Karangturi is a platform for publishing the daily activities and information of the Karangturi Village Library Community. The project was built for the Brawijaya University Mahasiswa Mengabdi Desa program. Collaborating with my teammate, I leveraged HTML, CSS, PHP, Laravel Frameworks, and Bootstrap 5. In a short period of two weeks, while concurrently participating in other social voluntary works for the village, I designed, developed, and implemented the website independently. The platform empowered the community by facilitating efficient information sharing, thereby enhancing public awareness of the village library's valuable resources.
Tech Stacks used: JavaScript - PHP - Laravel - Bootstrap 5 - MySQL
Old Personal Website
This is my old website, I used a simplefolio template as a starter and modified it according my needs.
Tech Stacks used: HTML - CSS - JavaScript
Kang Haerin Fan Website
Kang Haerin Fan Website is my silly projects for learning HTML and CSS only. I made this website for my favorite idol, Kang Haerin from NewJeans. I made this website to show my love for her (silly i know). I made this website with a simple design and a simple layout. I also made this website responsive so it can be accessed from any device. I made this website in a one-sitting-time.
Tech Stacks used: HTML - CSS